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Java Moss is one of the few plants that can thrive even with minimal lighting conditions. it grows on rocks, wood, etc and offers lots of cover and contains plenty of biofilm for the shrimp to graze on. it also comes in handy when you are trying to breed fish from guppy fry that will hide from the parents in it or dwarf cichlids that will corral their fry into and around the moss because they know it is a haven of tasty treats fish adults and fry alike enjoy like seed shrimp and other micro crustaceans.


all in all it is not only a good as an Aquascaping plant or just somthing that looks nice it also serves a many very impotant roles in a healthy thriving breeding colony of most shrimp or guppys and for that matter most fish whatsoever  




Care Level:                            Very easy
 Growth Rate:

slow to fast depending on tank

conditions (CO2, Fertillizer Light ECT...)

 Temperature:                               59-86F
 PH:                                5.5 to 8.0


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